Bylaws of the St. Eloi CCW



  Section 1: The name of this Council shall be "St. Eloi Council of Catholic Women".


Section 1: The Council shall seek to further greater understanding, knowledge and growth in the spiritual life of women.

  Section 2: The Council shall work with other community and civic organizations in an effort to address present day religious, social, moral, educational and economic issues.

Section 3: The Council shall be affiliated with the National Council of Catholic Women and shall pay the annual dues.


Section 1: Every married or unmarried female adult of St. Eloi Church is a member of the Council.

Section 2: Members shall either be designated as active or honorary members of the Council.


Section 1: Active members are expected to work or provide food for their Circle's fundraiser.  If they are unable to work or provide food, then they are expected 
to pay dues in lieu of working or providing food.  Payment of dues is to be made not more than two weeks after the completion of the Circle's fundraiser.

Active members are expected to help with annual parish cleaning or pay dues in lieu of cleaning.  
Payment of dues must be made within two weeks after completion of cleaning.

All dues are payable to the St. Eloi CCW Treasurer.

Section 2: Honorary members are expected to pay annual dues to the St. Eloi CCW Treasurer by May 31 of the current year.  Payment of said dues covers all responsibilities of the honorary member to the St. Eloi CCW.  Such honorary members are not expected to work at Circle fundraisers or help with parish cleaning.


  Section 1: The officers of the St. Eloi CCW shall be president, vice-president, secretary, treasurer and historian.

Section 2:  New officers are appointed by the Executive Committee.

Section 3:  Term of office will be one year beginning at the June meeting.

Section 4: Vacancies in any office will be filled by appointment of the Executive Committee.

Section 5: Officers shall be eligible to serve consecutive terms in the same office should they be willing to accept the responsibility.  The maximum consecutive terms shall be two years.  Commission chairpersons may serve consecutive terms, not to exceed five consecutive years in the same chair.

Section 6: Each officer and coordinator shall, upon expiration of her term of office, or within thirty (30) days thereafter, turn over to her successor all books, papers and property pertaining to the office.


Section 1: The president shall preside at all meetings of St. Eloi CCW.  She shall appoint all special committees and shall be an ex-officio member of all commission and standing committees, except the auditing and nominating committees.  She shall perform all duties pertaining to the office.

Section 2: The vice-president shall perform the duties of the president in her absence and shall promote the programs of the St. Eloi CCW.  She shall fill the vacancy of the office of the president, should it arise, for the completion of the remaining term.

Section 3: The secretary shall keep a correct record of all meetings of the St. Eloi CCW and the Executive Committee.  Minutes shall be recorded as a permanent record.

Section 4: The treasurer shall keep a correct list of members, receive all monies of the St, Eloi CCW, keep accurate record of all receipts and disbursements and shall expend no money without approval of payment at quarterly meeting or by the Executive Committee.  The treasurer shall deposit all monies in a bank approved by the Executive Committee and shall make a copy of account statements available to any Executive Committee member upon their request.  The treasurer shall give a report of income and expenses at each quarterly meeting.

Section 5:  The historian shall collect and preserve documents relating to the history of St. Eloi Parish and its members.  She shall briefly record events and developments pertaining to the St. Eloi Parish and its members.


Section 1: The St. Eloi CCW will hold quarterly meetings.

Section 2:  Special meetings may be called by the president or upon written request of five (5) members of the St. Eloi CCW.  
Except in an emergency situation, seven (7) days prior notice shall be given for a special meeting.

Section 3:  A quorum shall consist of ten (10) members of the St. Eloi CCW.


Section 1: The Executive Committee shall consist of the president, vice-president, secretary, treasurer, historian and immediate past president.

Section 2: The Executive Committee shall have jurisdiction over all matters relating to the management of all affairs of the organization between quarterly meetings.

Section 3: The Executive Committee shall meet at the call of the president.  Four (4) members shall constitute a quorum.  A complete report shall be made at the next quarterly meeting of the Council.


  Section 1: The St. Eloi CCW shall follow the commission system of the NCCW:

                         A.  Spirituality Commission                      

B.  Leadership Commission       

C.  Service Commission 

D. Historian

Section 2:  Commission and committee coordinators shall appoint their co-chair for one year.  
Said co-chair will then step up to the chair coordinator position for one year.

Section 3: Commission and Standing Committee coordinators shall present their reports at the Council's quarterly meetings.

Section 4: The vice-president shall represent the St. Eloi CCW at Parish Council meetings.


  Section 1:  The auditing committee shall consist of the two immediate past treasurers.  
The audit shall be accomplished after March thirty-first (31) and a report shall be given at the June quarterly meeting.


Section 1: Robert's Rule of Order, current edition, shall be the authority of parliamentary procedures for all meetings in all cases
 in which they are consistent with the rules and regulations of the St. Eloi CCW.


Section 1: These by-laws may be amended at any quarterly meeting by two-thirds (2/3) vote of the members present and voting, 
provided a copy of the proposed amendment was made available to all members prior to said meeting.

These by-laws were accepted 03-15-01



 A.   Member Meetings

1.  Regular meetings of St. Eloi Council of Catholic Women (hereafter referred to as "St. Eloi CCW) will be held quarterly.

2.  Such quarterly meetings shall be held on the third Thursday of June, September, January and March of each year.

3.  Such quarterly meetings may be rescheduled at the direction of the Executive Committee when a Holy Day, 
National Holiday or Election Day falls in the same week as the scheduled meeting day.

B.   Executive Committee Meetings

1.  The vice-president shall call a meeting of the Executive Committee between March and May each year for the purpose of updating the booklet.  
This meeting shall include the outgoing officers and the new officers who will be installed in June.  
The new booklets should be made available to all members two weeks prior to the June meeting.

2.      After the new president is installed at the June meeting, it is her option to call an additional organizational meeting.

3.   Other meetings of the Executive Committee shall be called according to the By-laws.


A.  The moderator of the St. Eloi CCW shall be the Pastoral Administrator or Pastor of St. Eloi Church.

B.    Duties of the moderator shall be:

1. To be the spiritual director of the St. Eloi CCW in the spirit of the Vatican II Church and according to the Statement of the Mission of St. Eloi Church.

2.  To give some guidelines to the St. Eloi CCW members in evaluating their programs in terms of how they harmonize with Christian values.

3.  To assist the St. Eloi CCW members in recognizing the pastoral needs of women of various vocations, 
needs and ideas so they can respond constructively to those needs.

4.  To attend the quarterly meetings.  The moderator has voice but no vote.


 A. Gifts

1.  A gift valued at approximately $50 will be presented to the Pastoral Administrator or Pastor of St. Eloi Church during the Christmas holiday time.

2.  If a member of the immediate family of an Executive Committee member dies (spouse, parent or child), the Executive Committee will send a memorial on behalf of St. Eloi CCW.  The president should be notified of family death and she should be certain that the other members of the Executive Committee are notified also.

B.  Reimbursements

1.  The St. Eloi CCW shall pay the registration, travel and lodging expenses of the president to attend the National CCW Convention.

2.  Reimbursement shall be made to all Executive Committee members for mileage, postage, printing and phone expenses incurred while doing official St. Eloi CCW work.

3.  All expenses shall be turned in at the quarterly meeting or sent directly to the treasurer for approval in a timely fashion.  Any expenses turned in after one (1) year's time will not be paid.

C.  Registration Fees

1.  The St. Eloi CCW will pay for all registration fees for any St. Eloi CCW members who attend the Spring or Fall Regional CCW Gatherings,
 the Diocesan CCW Spring Convention and/or the Province Conference.

D.  Dues

1.  The St. Eloi CCW treasurer will be responsible for making timely payments of dues to the Regional, Diocesan and National Councils of Catholic Women.

2.  Annual dues for honorary members shall be set at $20.  This is the only amount that honorary members are responsible to pay to St. Eloi CCW.  
Honorary members are not required to work or provide food for fundraisers.  Additionally, they are not required to help with annual parish cleaning.  
Said honorary dues should be paid to the St. Eloi CCW treasurer by June 30 of each year.

3.  Active members who do not work or provide food for their Circle's fundraiser are responsible to pay $20 to the St. Eloi CCW treasurer in lieu of working or providing food.  The sale of tickets shall not constitute “working" in regard to the activity being sponsored by the Circle.  
Said $20 should be paid within two weeks after the completion of their Circle's fundraiser.

4.  Active members who do not help with the annual cleaning of parish buildings are to pay $20 to the St. Eloi CCW treasurer in lieu of helping with parish cleaning. 
 Said $20 should be paid within two weeks after the date scheduled for parish cleaning.


A.  The immediate past president will serve on the Executive Committee.

B.     Members who are co-chairs of the Belgian-American Day Raffle are not required to work at their Circle's fundraiser.

C.  Members who are funeral co-chairs are not required to work on their Circle's fundraiser.


A.  The general cleaning of the parish buildings shall be held once a year.  
The date and times of said cleaning shall be determined by the Executive Committee.


 A.  The St. Eloi CCW will pay to have a quarterly mass offered at St. Eloi Church for the intention of the living and deceased St. Eloi CCW members.  This should be coordinated by the Church Commission Chair.

B.  Upon the event of the death of a member of the St. Eloi CCW, the St. Eloi CCW will pay to have a mass offered at St. Eloi Church for the individual as soon as possible after her death as scheduling allows.

C.  Upon request of the family, the St. Eloi CCW will lead the rosary at the discretion of the family.  The Pastoral Administrator will notify the president of the family's request.

D.  The St. Eloi CCW will arrange to have the rosary said before Sunday Mass during the months of October and May of each year.


 A.    Members will be on a permanent Circle.

B.    Circle duties will rotate from year to year.

C.    Lunch committees shall be selected alphabetically by the Executive Committee.

D.  If you are unable to work at the function your Circle is sponsoring, you may exchange work with someone from another Circle.  
Note, however, that you do not change Circles, you just trade work.

E.  When Confirmation is held at St. Eloi Church, parents of children who are freshmen or sophomores 
shall be responsible for preparing and serving the Confirmation reception. 

F.  Each year, parents who have children who are members of the junior class are responsible for preparing and 
serving the Friendship Breakfast held to honor the seniors on Baccalaureate Sunday.


 A.  When a family in the parish wishes that the St. Eloi CCW serve a lunch after a funeral, they must contact the funeral chairpersons.

B.  St. Eloi CCW members may volunteer to help with the preparing and serving of a funeral luncheon.

C.  The family of the deceased will be expected to furnish the ingredients for the hot dish, as well as coffee, 
bread and butter, or whatever they wish to serve at the luncheon.

D.  St. Eloi CCW members are welcome to donate cake or salad for the funeral luncheon.  
Anyone wishing to do so may bring their donation to the church basement the morning of the funeral.

E.  A donation to the St. Eloi CCW will be accepted for the serving of a funeral luncheon.

F. Funeral chairpersons will not be a member of a Circle.

 The order of business shall be as follows:

 1.  Call to order

          2.  Open with prayer

                                                                   3.  Reading of minutes of previous meeting by secretary

             4.  Treasurer's report

                                                                               5.   Reports from Commission and/or Committee chairpersons

                    6.   Unfinished business

               7.   Correspondence

                  8.   Presenting of bills

             9.   New business

                            10.  Special announcements

          11.  Adjournment

   12.  Program


These Standing Rules are of a semi-permanent nature relating to procedure.

These rules must not be in conflict with the by-laws.  
They may be suspended at any meeting by a majority vote.  
To rescind or amend these Rules requires a 2/3 vote of a majority vote with previous notice.                                

  Adopted 06-15-06